Central Florida 100 – Central Florida Trifecta / Star Wars Ahead

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CENTRAL FLORIDA TRIFECTA. Last week: While extremely slow in coming, the impending merger of the Central Florida Partnership, which includes Orlando Inc., the city’s chamber of commerce, and the Economic Development Commission, is welcome news indeed. Past efforts from these two regional fixtures led to some notable wins, but also less than effective results and at times nasty political skirmishes centered on overlapping turf and mission. If the newly formed entity can commit itself to its traditional two-sided roles of community-building and economic development, respectively, and bolster those with a strong commitment to economic gardening, Central Florida will have hit the trifecta in competing energetically against other progressive regions

STAR WARS AHEAD. Looking ahead: With weekly and sometimes daily launches of spacecraft from Cape Canaveral, the Federal Aviation Administration has taken notice that air-traffic safety not only includes drones these days, but now also encompasses space exploration, exploitation and tourism. Slated to begin testing later this year is the FAA’s first airborne test of what it Is calling the Space Data Integrator designed to keep track of what’s going up, staying up and coming down. By the time Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos start offering thrill rides, let’s hope the FAA is ready.