Moving On

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I have something like 300 drafts in my Outbox for Our Life in Business.

With the election over, I had a conversation with a friend the other day, who read my last blog on Candidate Mitt Romney and, despite the fact that we agreed on so many points, it was pretty obvious that he saw it as time to move on.

I tend to agree.

I saw President Obama six months ago in what was not necessarily a eulogy, but certainly a public statement about our slaughtered in Newtown. I was moved to tears, as I am sure all of us were.

Listening to him simply reminded me that my blog was still up and it was time to continue the engagement, but to embrace the man who will be our President for the next four years.

I heard the CNN, MSNBC and FOX renditions of the six-month anniversary of the slayings this afternoon and realized . . . once again . . . that it was time to move on, even though I had not.

So shall it be.

Next blog comes Monday morning!  

But for now, the message is simple enough:  it’s time to move on!