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We have to take the current reality as the best reality simply by virtue of the fact that the set of circumstances we currently see have survived. It doesn’t mean that there cannot be a better reality tomorrow once a new variable is introduced into the environment; it does mean, however, that the reality we currently have, when influenced by our current variables, is producing the best result it can.

The question for each of us is whether we will, ourselves, become that new variable. To what extent, when we raise our hand, and say something or take an action towards something do we become a variable that has the chance to create a different set of circumstances in the subsequent moment? How many times have we done something, said something, or taken some action, as minor as we might have seen it or in some cases as significant as it was, that came back to us years later. A simple card sent to a friend who was having a rough day. Or a flower or a plant arrangement to a paid consultant for a job well done. Or a well reasoned letter to the editor, when a well reasoned anything was needed.

The current reality we live is the current reality we must accept unless we are prepared to be that variable.