Business and Community

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A business is really an enterprise and it’s not about the business, it’s about the community the enterprise creates.

The enterprise produces a particular community with a certain lifestyle. That lifestyle denotes the way you live on a day-by-day basis. As a matter of fact, it probably has more significance to you on a day-by-day basis than the country in which you live or the family you’re a part of. It may not necessarily have the emotional connection of a family, but it can. And it may not necessarily have the protection that a country can provide for you, but it can.

When we take a look at an enterprise, we have the opportunity to build an enterprise that will produce a lifestyle that we can live within each and every day.

Business, for me, is not about business, it’s about the lifestyle it produces for us. And a business gives us the opportunity to create that lifestyle.

What I want everyone to know is that we have an opportunity to be able to create this lifestyle for ourselves. To be able to create the environment within which we want to live each and every day. Nobody can do that in just a job. But it’s the opportunity we have here at Dynetech.