Hotwives of Orlando! Seriously?

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Maybe I’m simply naïve. Maybe I just have not spent enough time in front of the TV. I guess I have to declare it.

I discovered Hulu because of The Handmaid’s Tale and, in the process of understanding the offerings a little better, I was scrolling. I came across the Hotwives of Orlando. Now, understand that I know nothing about the Housewives series. All I know is that there is a Housewives’ series and that apparently there is also a Hotwives of Orlando series.

I immediately started skimming through it because I wanted to see if there was anybody I knew.

After scrolling through all the episodes, I realized I knew absolutely nobody and, in fact, there was nothing remotely recognizable in the entire series. The people were not recognizable. The events were not recognizable. The venues, such as restaurants and stores, were not recognizable. Nothing was recognizable and I have been here my entire adult life.

I really don’t know what the medium is for the “Housewives” series and, based on what I saw, I can’t imagine what it might be. It is not art, drama or cinema. That’s clear.

And the only thing I know for sure is that Hotwives of Orlando has nothing to do with Orlando.

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